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i SLOT: our exclusive gaming localisation platform

i SLOT is an exclusive platform designed specifically for gaming software localisation, saving our clients time and money on the authoring, translation and management of content. We’ve developed the system to give our clients the centralised ability to manage and translate UI strings for gaming content, no matter how intricate, via one powerful, yet user-friendly, platform.

i SLOT, an advanced component of i plus®, our cutting-edge translation management system (TMS), lets you create UI and Help content in a secure database. You can associate strings with unique IDs, images and customisable metadata – for example, to organise content by string usage (buttons, warnings, rules text, etc.); versioning information is automatically captured; and you can impose string-length limitations where needed.

With powerful user-permissions management, you have the ability to associate each string with more than one game, saving time and money: if you need to change one string across dozens of games, you can change it once, and only use the time and money needed to update its translations once. Users of i SLOT also have complete control to search for a particular string or phrase across all your games – even if they have been developed for different platforms.

Content can be published on demand, or on an automatic schedule, or retrieved via an API, in every language, to a variety of common formats (including .resx, .properties, .strings, .xml and .json) as well as to custom formats if required.

All this means that i SLOT frees up your developers to focus on the development process, without the need to constantly send strings back and forth for translation. This speeds up time-to-market, and helps you respond quickly to any regulatory updates, which require changes to how your gaming texts are written.

Features of i SLOT:

  • Easily create and manage multilingual gaming content
  • Customise i SLOT to the needs of your developers, technical writers and end-users
  • Enjoy seamless interaction with the rest of the i plus TMS
  • Sync content with standard and customised file formats via a web interface or via the powerful API

What our clients are saying

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